Actually 33 real and generous people being in anyway interested in anything I might have to spontaneously say/write possibly seems like an incredulously outlandish stat to my long suffering wife Lucy.
But there it is in green and white and a bit of blue and a kind of off colour which is hard to pin down at this time of night/ morning. I have learned some stuff in the last four days since I first joined twitter:
1. Do make lists, people apparently like lists.
2. Don't be my usual overtly opinionated self - be humble but not an idiot.
3. Find some funny images of cats or monkeys to improve tweet end visuals
4. I can't be truly spontaneous without shower gel in my hand.
5. The world of Twitter contains a lot of PR centric and 'good info' tweets
6. The world of twitter contains a lot of Real and generous people.
7. Don't use 'big' words like incredulously or outlandish as they really break th twitter bank and make me sound like a dick.
8. Put some time and thought into tweets and posts.
9. Don't start using twitter until I've finished building my site (Got that one very wrong)
10. Is always a good place to end lists.
11. be original - most kids haven't seen spinal tap.
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